Feb16Wicked Good Books Boozy Book Fair at Notch Brewingby Wicked Good Books$Feb16Wicked Good Books Boozy Book Fair at Notch Brewingby Wicked Good Books Boozy Book Fair at Notch Brewing$ShareGET MORE INFODate & TimeFebruary 161:00 PM - 5:00 PMOrganizerWicked Good BooksVisit Organizer SiteVenueNOTCH BREWING283R Derby StreetSalem, MA01970Visit Venue SiteTagsBookBreweryFairFreeGamesPeabodyAbout this EventWicked Good Books will be hosting a book fair at Notch Brewing. Grab a drink and browse a selection of books, games, and more. Free Admission, 1-5. ShareBack to All EventsRelated EventsFor the Defense and Safety of the Province: Essex County Prepares for WarMusic in the Atrium: Franco Flemish MusicA.J. Croce – Heart of The Eternal Tour