
November 22, 2019
Featured image for “Comic book or graphic novel? Expert on Classics Illustrated comic books compares two comic book versions of ‘The House of the Seven Gables’”
North Shore Creative Happenings

Comic book or graphic novel? Expert on Classics Illustrated comic books compares two comic book versions of ‘The House of the Seven Gables’

by Felicia Cheney
The cover of the Classics Illustrated adaptation of “The House of the Seven Gables.” SALEM — It seems people just can’t get enough of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The House of the Seven Gables.” Hollywood made two movie adaptations of the novel while Albert Kanter, co-founder of the once wildly popular Classics Illustrated comic books, made two comic book adaptations of the
November 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
Featured image for “Salem State University’s Second TEDx Event will Explore Mindfulness and Transformation”

Salem State University’s Second TEDx Event will Explore Mindfulness and Transformation

by cns2020
Salem State held its inaugural TEDx event in September 2018 SALEM, MA – Ten Salem State University faculty members will present at the university’s second TEDx event. TEDxSalemStateUniversity will be held on Sunday, September 22, from 1 to 4 pm in the Sophia Gordon Center for Creative and Performing Arts. The event’s theme is “Mindfulness and Transformation.” “Our inaugural event
May 22, 2019
April 7, 2019
Featured image for “‘Bewitched’ gave new meaning to 'Witchcraft’ – Lecture Series at the House of the Seven Gables”

‘Bewitched’ gave new meaning to 'Witchcraft’ – Lecture Series at the House of the Seven Gables

by cns2020
SALEM — “Bewitched” is more than a television show from the ‘70s, more than a controversial statue in downtown Salem, more than a twitchy nose. Salem, for whom ‘witchcraft’ holds uniquely somber meaning, saw its burden lighten when “Bewitched” was broadcast into tens of millions of homes in America. The show was a cultural influencer with a long reach. Professor
April 7, 2019