tips and tricks

December 9, 2022
Featured image for “Relationship Marketing and how it’s transforming networking and brand identity”

Relationship Marketing and how it’s transforming networking and brand identity

by joeyphoenix
Two experts discuss branding and relationship marketing and why your business needs it. Story and photos by Joey Phoenix If there is a fast track to business success, it isn’t through traditional networking and outdated marketing strategies. It’s through a combination of solid brand identity and a new form of business connection called Relationship Marketing. Tale as old as time
December 9, 2022
March 16, 2021
Featured image for “How to Make Your Marketing More Inclusive”
Diversity and Inclusion
Small Business

How to Make Your Marketing More Inclusive

by Felicia Cheney

Creating an inclusive brand that makes room for anyone who wants to participate is an intentional and continual process. And making the pledge to create a more inclusive business (and marketing strategy) isn’t something you do once and call it a day, but rather an ongoing and evolving commitment to making sure that the door is open to everyone in a way that’s equitable and accessible.

March 16, 2021
December 18, 2020
Featured image for “Annadidathing’s Three Rules for Setting Professional Boundaries as An Artist”
Tips and Tricks

Annadidathing’s Three Rules for Setting Professional Boundaries as An Artist

by joeyphoenix
By Anna Dugan of AnnadidathingAll images courtesy of the artist Setting boundaries and learning when to say no is such a difficult thing to do. I’m still practicing it, but I’ve found a few things very helpful in this process: 1. Expectation Setting Getting on the same page before starting a project is huge. Being up front about your expectations
December 18, 2020