
September 27, 2021
Featured image for ““A Furious Sky”: Book Discussion with Author Eric Jay Dolin”
Write Space

“A Furious Sky”: Book Discussion with Author Eric Jay Dolin

by joeyphoenix
Eric Jay Dolin, bestselling author of Black Flags, Blue Waters and Brilliant Beacons: A History of the American Lighthouse, among a catalogue of 12 other titles, joins Historic Beverly online Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 7:00pm for a discussion of his most recent book, A Furious Sky: The Five Hundred Year History of America’s Hurricanes. Hurricanes menace North America from June through November every year. These
September 27, 2021
February 10, 2020
Featured image for “The Write Space – Alena Dillon”
Write Space

The Write Space – Alena Dillon

by Felicia Cheney
The Write Space is a monthly Q&A series from Creative Collective covering a local writer and a North Shore space(s) s/he associates with writing.  Questions? Contact: ellorelizabeth@gmail.com Give us your best writerly bio.  Alena Dillon’s debut novel, Mercy House, releases this month, February 2020 by HarperCollins. It was voted a LibraryReads book of February and called a “stirring, fiery debut” by Publishers
February 10, 2020
March 15, 2019
Featured image for “The Write Space – Brunonia Barry”
North Shore Creative Happenings
Write Space

The Write Space – Brunonia Barry

by cns2020
The Write Space is a monthly Q&A series from Creative Collective covering a local writer and a North Shore space(s) s/he associates with writing.  Questions? Contact: ellorelizabeth@gmail.com. Give us your best writerly bio BRUNONIA BARRY is the New York Times and international bestselling author of The Lace Reader, The Map of True Places, and The Fifth Petal, chosen #1 of Strand Magazine’s
March 15, 2019