Gulu Gulu Cafe

About the Member

Gulu Gulu Cafe is a bohemian outpost offering hard-to-come-by craft beer, coffee, and light food.

Marie Feldmannova and her husband, Steve Feldmann, named their quirky place for the cafe in Prague where they met.

Recalling the inspiration drawn from that Prague Cafe, Feldmann notes, “When we first started out, I don’t think people knew what to make of us.  We have music, but we aren’t a club, we have food, but we aren’t really a restaurant, and when people used to say ‘cafe,’ they would think Starbucks.  We definitely aren’t Starbucks.”  … Gulu Gulu is more comparable to Hemingway’s Closerie des Lilas.

– North Shore Magazine

a bar with a lot of menus on the wall.

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