November 28, 2022

Meet the Member: Greater Newburyport Chamber of Commerce

by joeyphoenix

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a blue and yellow swirl on a yellow background.

In your words… Tell us about your organization, business, initiative.

Regional Chamber of Commerce

Connecting and celebrating more than 800 businesses ranging from Southern NH to Ipswich

Tell us a bit about you and why you do what you do? Share your passions for your business, initiative, organization.

Increase economic impact through collaboration and tourism efforts.

What role do you think your business plays in supporting a more creative community? OR your community in general. (Bonus! Why do you think a more creative community is important?)

We represent and collaborate with a variety of cultural groups throughout the region.

What was the last book you read OR What was the last video you watched that made an impact on you?

A youtube showcasing our Newburyport Octoberfest.

What’s the one thing people would be surprised to learn about you our your business?

Our President is a millenial with tattoos!