
July 12, 2021
Featured image for “Fatherhood, Basketball, and Memories in Carey’s SET IN STONE”
Write Space

Fatherhood, Basketball, and Memories in Carey’s SET IN STONE

by joeyphoenix
Buy Set in Stone (CavanKerry Press, 2020) $16 by Joey Phoenix Related Reading: “Beasts Walk Among Us in Carey’s Murder in the Marsh” Kevin Carey’s (He/him/his) most recent book of poetry, Set in Stone, is like salt. The salt of the briney ocean leaking into the Revere marsh, the dripping sweat and shoe squeak of a basketball court in a
July 12, 2021
June 22, 2021
Featured image for “Connection in Isolation: 35 Writers and Artists Show What It Means To Care”
Write Space

Connection in Isolation: 35 Writers and Artists Show What It Means To Care

by joeyphoenix
Story by Betsy Ellor Let’s all take a second to appreciate how vibrant the creative community is on the North Shore. Artists, performers, and for writer’s like me: book shops, literary festivals and readings. It’s an amazing and inspiring place. Now imagine being uprooted and dropped into the distant, distant woods. I love hiking but trees are just not as
June 22, 2021
February 19, 2020
Featured image for “North Shore Womxn Writers Show What It Means to Write Like a Girl”

North Shore Womxn Writers Show What It Means to Write Like a Girl

by joeyphoenix
by Joey Phoenix February is Womxn* in Horror Month and FunDead Publications is hosting their annual event, Write Like a Girl III this coming weekend on the evening of February 22nd at 7:30 pm at The Witch House in downtown Salem.  This year’s authors include Cat Skully, Nancy Brewa-Clark, Morgan Sylvia, Lauren Devora, and RC Mulhare. The intros and outros
February 19, 2020
October 16, 2019
Featured image for “The Write Space – Jen Malone”
North Shore Creative Happenings

The Write Space – Jen Malone

by cns2020
The Write Space is a monthly Q&A series from Creative Collective covering a local writer and a North Shore space(s) s/he associates with writing.  Questions? Contact: ellorelizabeth@gmail.com. Give us your best writerly bio  Jen Malone is the author of over a dozen middle grade and young adult titles including The Arrival of Someday (HarperCollins), The Sleepover (Simon & Schuster), Wanderlost (HarperCollins), and Follow Your Art (Dreamworks Animation/Penguin Random House). Jen once
October 16, 2019
July 13, 2018
Featured image for “The Write Space: E.C. Hanlon”
North Shore Creative Happenings

The Write Space: E.C. Hanlon

by cns2020
My novella, The One Friend Philosophy of Life, a tale of two girls facing graduation from the sheltered life of Catholic school into whatever lay beyond, set in 1990, was published by Caffeinated Press in 2016.
July 13, 2018
May 23, 2018
Featured image for “The Write Space: Jim DeFilippi”
Word Up
Write Space

The Write Space: Jim DeFilippi

by cns2020
Jim DeFilippi was born and raised in Duck Alley, on Long Island, and has been writing and living on a dirt road in northern Vermont since 1973. He is a husband of many years, a father of two, a grandfather, a retired school teacher, a special-needs bus driver, a Vietnam Era veteran, a popular speechmaker and story teller, a former newspaper columnist, a former small town newspaper editor, and a cigar maker. His novels have been highly praised by Publishers Weekly and other publications.
May 23, 2018