Fatherhood, Basketball, and Memories in Carey’s SET IN STONE
Buy Set in Stone (CavanKerry Press, 2020) $16 by Joey Phoenix Related Reading: “Beasts Walk Among Us in Carey’s Murder in the Marsh” Kevin Carey’s (He/him/his) most recent book of poetry, Set in Stone, is like salt. The salt of the briney ocean leaking into the Revere marsh, the dripping sweat and shoe squeak of a basketball court in a

Connection in Isolation: 35 Writers and Artists Show What It Means To Care
Story by Betsy Ellor Let’s all take a second to appreciate how vibrant the creative community is on the North Shore. Artists, performers, and for writer’s like me: book shops, literary festivals and readings. It’s an amazing and inspiring place. Now imagine being uprooted and dropped into the distant, distant woods. I love hiking but trees are just not as

North Shore Womxn Writers Show What It Means to Write Like a Girl
by Joey Phoenix February is Womxn* in Horror Month and FunDead Publications is hosting their annual event, Write Like a Girl III this coming weekend on the evening of February 22nd at 7:30 pm at The Witch House in downtown Salem. This year’s authors include Cat Skully, Nancy Brewa-Clark, Morgan Sylvia, Lauren Devora, and RC Mulhare. The intros and outros

The Write Space – Jen Malone
The Write Space is a monthly Q&A series from Creative Collective covering a local writer and a North Shore space(s) s/he associates with writing. Questions? Contact: ellorelizabeth@gmail.com. Give us your best writerly bio Jen Malone is the author of over a dozen middle grade and young adult titles including The Arrival of Someday (HarperCollins), The Sleepover (Simon & Schuster), Wanderlost (HarperCollins), and Follow Your Art (Dreamworks Animation/Penguin Random House). Jen once
The Write Space: E.C. Hanlon
My novella, The One Friend Philosophy of Life, a tale of two girls facing graduation from the sheltered life of Catholic school into whatever lay beyond, set in 1990, was published by Caffeinated Press in 2016.
The Write Space: Jim DeFilippi
Jim DeFilippi was born and raised in Duck Alley, on Long Island, and has been writing and living on a dirt road in northern Vermont since 1973. He is a husband of many years, a father of two, a grandfather, a retired school teacher, a special-needs bus driver, a Vietnam Era veteran, a popular speechmaker and story teller, a former newspaper columnist, a former small town newspaper editor, and a cigar maker.
His novels have been highly praised by Publishers Weekly and other publications.