October 25, 2022

Meet the Member: Ivy Ziporah

by joeyphoenix
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Interviewee: Ivy Ziporah (she/her)

In your words… Tell us about your organization, business, initiative.
Ivy Ziporah is a small line of natural skin care products. Our mission, we aim to create natural products inspired by the beauty of nature whenever one lives it: Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall. Our products consist of our Natural Pure Cane Sugar Scrub, Revitalizing Serum and our Tropical Face and Body Butter. Our initiative is bring to the forefront that natural skin care nourishes the skin without using harsh chemicals.

Tell us a bit about you and why you do what you do? Share your passions for your business, initiative, organization.
I grew up in the tropics eating fresh picked fruits daily. It was not unusual to see people with beautiful skin. It was a tradition to use nature to replenish and restore the body.

I love helping people and sharing what nature has taught me about taking care of the skin. I use some of the same ingredients in my products that I ate as a child, sugarcane, mangoes and oranges and other natural ingredients.

My initiatives is to educate and introduce an alternative way for one to take care of their skin using nature as a resource.

What role do you think your business plays in supporting a more creative community? OR your community in general. (Bonus! Why do you think a more creative community is important?)
Collaboration and support is vital in helping a community grow. Lending support by means of educating and training others to understand the importance of self care goes a very long way.

Taking care of the skin is an ancient tradition, where natural remedies were used, however it is important that we teach others the importance of this beautiful tradition.

What was the last book you read OR What was the last video you watched that made an impact on you?
It is so important to influence the potential customers and to draw them in a close as you can to explain the importance the product and why they should make a purchase. The last book I read was How to Win Friends & Influence People. Where the Author dale Carnegie taught effective speaking and human relations.

What’s the one thing people would be surprised to learn about you our your business?
I have always been someone who has been people focused, and to offer a line of skin care product is to if offer care for the whole person.

What is Creative Collective?

Creative Collective is a group of economic development strategists, small business supporters, activation specialists, and believers in the importance of the creative workforce. We foster growth, sustainability, and scalability for small businesses, creative thinkers, organizations, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Learn more and join Creative Collective at www.creativecollectivema.com/join


Ivy Ziporah

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A Trusted All-NaturalSkin Care Company Ivy Ziporah offers a wide range of all natural beauty products across the United States. We are always committed to providing solutions that meet the skin care needs of our various customers. Our founder first had the idea for an all-natural skin care company when she was creating products for personal use. She eventually started