January 1, 2020

Photos – Salem Main Streets LAUNCH NYE

by cns2020
Featured image for “Photos – Salem Main Streets LAUNCH NYE”

Photobooth and pictures donated by Creative Collective.
Event produced by Salem Main Streets

Special thanks to Retonica Event lighting, The Phoenix School Salem MA, and the City of Salem for the usage of Old Town Hall.

Also BIG THANKS to all the volunteers!

Salem New Years Eve: LAUNCH has become an annual tradition, giving families the chance to enjoy the party at an hour that makes sense for kids. It’s also often the first stop for adults who want a cute, fun event before heading out on the town for the festivities.

“When we organized LAUNCH! for the first time six years ago, it was immediately clear that there was a strong community desire to come together on New Year’s Eve,” states Kylie Sullivan, Salem Main Streets’ Executive Director. “Plus, there’s still plenty of time after our early countdown to get to your own party, or catch one of the many other great events happening all over town on New Year’s Eve!”

Programming at LAUNCH! included hat-making, face painting, a photo booth, and more! This year also saw the addition of a lantern parade prior to the countdown. Guests were encouraged to bring their own lantern or make one there.

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Click through for a full set of images from LAUNCH NYE!