The Bread & Roses Heritage Festival 2023
Honoring Labor History, Celebrating Cultural Diversity, and Looking Forward to the Future Introduction The Bread & Roses Heritage Festival is more than an annual event; it’s a living testament to the spirit of Lawrence, Massachusetts. Celebrated each Labor Day, this festival brings the community together to honor its rich labor history, revel in its cultural diversity, and explore future possibilities.

2023 Lynn Arts & Culture Festival: A Renaissance in the Making
2023 Lynn Arts & Culture Festival: A Renaissance in the Making LYNN — The Lynn Arts and Culture Festival is returning for its second edition on Saturday, August 12th, offering a vibrant celebration of the city’s artistic heritage and cultural diversity. “This festival is a great way to showcase our residents’ talents and our expanding arts and culture scene,” Mayor

Lawrence Arts Collective Announces Programming for Spring/Summer 2022
The Lawrence Arts Collective is pleased to announce the start of spring and summer programming. The Collective is a pilot artist-in-residence program supported by the Lawrence Public Library in partnership with 599 Studios, Ateneo Dominicano, El Taller Cafe & Bookstore, Elevated Thought, Essex Art Center, Izizwe Dance Studio, and Merrimack River Watershed Council. The program matched each organization with an

Essex Arts Center to Open Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
From Essex Art Center 20 January – 17 March 2022 | Free Admission In her first solo exhibition in the Merrimack Valley, artist Marla L. McLeod explores contemporary social issues and symbols of pride for BIPOC Americans through painting, textile, sculpture, and photography. Marla L. McLeod (b. 1981) is a mixed-race (African-American, White, and Native) artist born in California and

Downtown Lawrence Creatives to Host a Winter Art Walk
From Lawrence Arts Collective Lawrence-area artists and creatives come together to host a Lawrence Winter Art Walk on Saturday, December 11th from 10 AM-4 PM at various downtown locations. The Winter Art Walk will feature open studios, gallery viewings, live demonstrations, performances, and other unique offerings throughout the day for visitors to explore Lawrence’s creative hubs. “The winter walk is

#NonprofitNovember: One Broadway Collaborative
#NonprofitNovember is highlighting Creative Collective’s nonprofit Business Members in a series of featured interviews. These short features will grant some insight into how these nonprofits have grown and developed through the years and how they plan to use what they’ve learned to further their respective missions in 2022. This Holiday season, follow the hashtag #NonprofitNovember to learn more about the

#NonprofitNovember: Essex Art Center
#NonprofitNovember is highlighting Creative Collective’s nonprofit Business Members in a series of featured interviews. These short features will grant some insight into how these nonprofits have grown and developed through the years and how they plan to use what they’ve learned to further their respective missions in 2022. This Holiday season, follow the hashtag #NonprofitNovember to learn more about the

#StayLocal2021 Guide to Lawrence, MA
#StayLocalMA (#StayLocal2021) is an innovative and collaborative regional approach to explore, dine, and shop locally. Creative Collective created The Stay Local MA Campaign to support your favorite small businesses throughout the community – both in-store and online and keep your money local. “Small businesses are the lifeblood of most communities and on the North Shore that couldn’t be more true,”

Music Man Creates Listening Room and Community Space in Lawrence
By Joey Phoenix Images Courtesy of One Broadway Collaborative Update | October 7th, 2021: One Broadway Collaborative was awarded this week with a $100,000 MassDevelopment Grant as part of the Collaborative Workspace Program. The program aims to accelerate business formation, job creation, and entrepreneurial activity in communities by supporting infrastructure that fuels locally based innovation. One Broadway Collaborative in Lawrence is

Imagina Essex: Ciclovia – PHOTOS
Images by Creative Collective Imagina Essex’s final 2021 installment, Ciclovia, Took place in September 2021. Parts of Essex and Common Streets on Lawrence were closed to motor vehicular traffic, and opened for biking, walking, skating, and other fun activities for the whole family, to promote physical activity and wellness in the Lawrence area. Partes de las calles Essex y Common