the peabody essex museum

October 27, 2020
Featured image for “Explore Indian identity through multiple lenses in PEM’s new South Asian Art Galleries”

Explore Indian identity through multiple lenses in PEM’s new South Asian Art Galleries

by joeyphoenix
From the Peabody Essex Museum On November 27, the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) opens three new galleries that provide a deeper understanding and appreciation of India and its people through more than 100 paintings, sculptures, photographs and personal correspondence. The installations trace the history of India from its colonial period through its independence in 1947 and the rise of a vibrant movement
October 27, 2020
October 5, 2020
Featured image for “PEM extends hours to safely accommodate October visitors”

PEM extends hours to safely accommodate October visitors

by joeyphoenix
From The Peabody Essex Museum The Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) announces extended hours to help safely accommodate visitors to the museum’s highly-anticipated fall exhibitions, The Salem Witch Trials 1692 and Salem Stories. During the October tourism season in Salem, the museum will be open Thursday, 10 am–5 pm, Friday and Saturday, 10 am–8 pm, and Sunday, 10 am–5 pm. PEM will also be
October 5, 2020
September 5, 2020
Featured image for “PEM opens two new exhibitions focused on Salem’s rich and storied history, publishes collection guide book”

PEM opens two new exhibitions focused on Salem’s rich and storied history, publishes collection guide book

by joeyphoenix
From the Peabody Essex MuseumCover image credit: Tompkins Harrison Matteson, Trial of George Jacobs, Sr. for Witchcraft, 1855. Oil on canvas. Peabody Essex Museum, Gift of R. W. Ropes, 1859. 1246. Courtesy of Peabody Essex Museum. Photo by Mark Sexton and Jeffrey R. Dykes. This fall, the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) presents two exhibitions brimming with the stories, people and
September 5, 2020