Studioful Design

About the Member

Studioful Design was founded by Claudia Paraschiv in 2016 as a woman-owned, social enterprise engaged in architecture, community art, and neighborhood design.


Studioful is driven by the pressing need to engage people to participate in the creation of their worlds as purposeful places of stewardship, democracy, social gathering, self-expression, and imagination.

Common Good – shifts around, but it is authentically derived from open conversation

Participatory Design – there are myriad ways to participate; we are interested in “creative self-expression” (The Dawn of Everything)

We prioritize inquiry. We try to create new ways of being in the world. We use the powerful tool of design to manifest our personal and collective values into beneficial built form. Through participatory design, we create purposeful architecture, art, and placemaking projects embedded in their local contexts that connect people to place, to each other, and to themselves.

Studioful Design brings the powerful practice of discovery through design to each collaboration for a joyful design process that leads to integrated works of art and architecture. Our projects are meaningful, resourceful, and beautiful.


  • Architectural Design

  • Community Engagement

  • Construction Administration

  • Participatory Design

  • Public Art

  • Research + Visioning