February 24, 2022

Call For Creatives, Entrepreneurs & Public Artists – Deadline 2/28

by Felicia Cheney
Featured image for “Call For Creatives, Entrepreneurs & Public Artists – Deadline 2/28”

Important Deadline – February 28th!

CITY OF SALEM, MA is pleased to announce the call for their Public Artist in Residence Program for 2022, 2023, and 2024 and openings for creatives to occupy the stalls on Artists’ Row for the 2023-2024 tenancy.

Mayor Kimberley Driscoll and the Salem Public Art Commission seek Creatives to take part in the City of Salem’s revitalized Artists’ Row Public Artist in Residence initiative and stalls. Artists’ Row consists of four artists ‘stalls’, a restaurant, and a public restroom and is centrally located in historic downtown Salem at 24 New Derby St., across from Old Town Hall and Derby Square.

This area, at the heart of the City, was originally built as a marketplace and continues to be a thriving public plaza and pedestrian way. The City of Salem respects, values, and celebrates the diverse life experiences and unique heritages, attributes, characteristics and perspectives that make each person who they are. We believe that bringing diverse individuals together through the Arts allows us to collectively and more effectively address the issues that face our communities and aim to help fund and uplift the local arts community, especially after the
direct impact that COVID 19 has placed upon the arts community.

The Artists’ Row initiative is a seasonal program that provides space for artists and artisans looking to build their audience and/or arts practice through daily engagement with residents and visitors to Salem. Participation in the Artists’ Row program is envisioned as a springboard opportunity for creatives wherever they are in their career that can help take them to the next stage/level in their unique professional development journey. It is very much a shared space for artists and visitors alike, where creativity happens, and unique arts-related goods and activities can be experienced in an animated public place.

The City of Salem is currently looking to fill one (1) paid position per year for 2022, 2023, and 2024 for the Public Artists in Residence. There are three (3) positions available in total, one each year, each residency lasts for a term of 8 months.

Additionally, the City is seeking applicants for each of the three (3) available market ‘stalls’, which can be used as makers space with a retail opportunity for artists and creatives. Stall will be contracted for a two-year tenancy, starting in January 2023.

The City is interested in uses that will contribute to the vibrancy of the Artists’ Row community and this important gateway to Salem’s bustling downtown. The variety of activities/uses considered for Artists’ Row spaces include, but are not limited to, original uniquely produced or handcrafted artworks and products, performances, art ‘happenings’, art ‘interventions’, art making, and temporary public art installations.

To view the full Call for Artists text and to apply to the program please visit: https://bit.ly/Apply2ArtistsRow

What is Creative Collective?

Creative Collective is a group of economic development strategists, small business supporters, activation specialists, and believers in the importance of the creative workforce. We foster growth, sustainability, and scalability for small businesses, creative thinkers, organizations, entrepreneurs, and innovators.

Learn more and join Creative Collective at www.creativecollectivema.com/join