January 18, 2019

Meet the Member: New Leaf Legal, LLC

by cns2020

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Jessica Manganello

IG @NewLeafLegal

In your words… Tell us about your organization, business, initiative.

New Leaf Legal is a boutique law firm that specializes in business and intellectual property law services for startups, small businesses, entrepreneurs, and creatives. From corporations to solo ventures, we help businesses with their daily legal needs, often functioning as outside in-house counsel. How can we help you?

Tell us a bit about you and why you do what you do? Share your passions for your business, initiative, organization.

Jessica Manganello is New Leaf’s business and contract law attorney. She collaborates with emerging and small businesses and creatives to assist them with all of their business and contract needs, from initial set-up, structuring the team, and intellectual property needs, all the way through their exit strategy and on to their next venture or collaboration. Her work style is to think creatively with our clients to lay the groundwork for their ventures and prioritize their legal and business needs in a personalized way. She loves drafting contracts (so don’t worry, you don’t have to).

What role do you think your business plays in supporting a more creative community?

New Leaf’s mission is to provide quality services in a manner that is accessible to small business. We do this by focusing on educating our clients and operating on a flat fee model. Due to personal passions, New Leaf has developed a practice area focused on creative based business, so that we can understand, address, explain, and negotiate the concerns unique to creative industries.

What was the last book you read OR What was the last video you watched that made an impact on you?

I honestly can’t choose one. I read a lot and I am a big movie fan. I always take something away from everything that I read and watch (even if it is the 20th time I’ve read of watched it)

What’s the one thing people would be surprised to learn about you our your business?

I trained for opera for 10 years

Want to learn more? Visit their website at www.newleaflegal.com

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a logo for a new leaf legal firm.

New Leaf Legal LLC

View their Member Listing
We’re a fun, funky law firm for artists and entrepreneurs of all types! Stand up and pursue your dream. We’re ready to stand beside you.