April 30, 2024

Meet the Member: Innate Marketing Genius

by Alyssa Conary

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Christina Frei (She/Her)

In your words… Tell us about your organization, business, initiative.

I’m a branding + marketing specialist and I coach thought leaders to show up, make a difference, and inspire action in their audience. This starts with their Marketing Archetype. They might be a Nurturer, an Adventure Guide, a Door Opener, a Steady Presence or a Celebrator, and this knowledge is key to their brand story.

Tell us a bit about you and why you do what you do? Share your passions for your business, initiative, organization.

My holistic approach, Marketing for Humans, came out of a lonely, chaotic time where I moved to a new city and conducted a field study with 40 willing business owners, which is featured in my 2022 TEDx talk, The Paradox of Loneliness. The core of my work is people’s innate generous nature, accessed by a mindset tool I’ve developed called The Generosity Practice.

What role do you think your business plays in supporting a more creative community? OR your community in general. (Bonus! Why do you think a more creative community is important?)

I find that creative souls sometimes hold back because of self-consciousness and past trauma. However, when we remember how much we love contributing to others, we stop holding back. That’s what I help my clients do. I work with professionals who want to make a difference in the world in their own unique way, while getting clients. However I can help creative people access their incredible voice to achieve their goals, I will do that!

What was the last book you read OR What was the last video you watched that made an impact on you?

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver. Phew!

What’s the one thing people would be surprised to learn about you or your business?

My work is grounded in psychic awareness that I developed in Berkeley CA in the early 2000s. It’s all about the 6th chakra, baby!


Creative Collective is a group of economic development strategists, small business supporters, activation specialists, and believers in the importance of the creative workforce. We foster growth, sustainability, and scalability for small businesses, creative thinkers, organizations, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Learn more and join Creative Collective at www.creativecollectivema.com/join


Innate Marketing Genius

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Christina Frei is a branding + marketing specialist who coaches thought leaders to show up, make a difference, and inspire action in their audience. Her holistic and human approach starts with determining a client’s Marketing Archetype. They might be a Nurturer, an Adventure Guide, a Door Opener, a Steady Presence, or a Celebrator, and this knowledge is key to their