April 17, 2024

Meet the Member: Woodland Witch

by Alyssa Conary

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Erin Atwood (She/Her)

In your words… Tell us about your organization, business, initiative.

Woodland Witch LLC creates one-of-a-kind works of art combining the majesty & macabre in the natural world. Home decor, functional art, odd jewelry & accessories; there’s something for the strange & unusual in us all.

For the more whimsical side, taxidermy rats posed grilling or gardening, and ducklings relaxing in a hammock are sure to delight & amuse.

Don’t forget your occult supplies! Spell kits, grimoires with guided journaling prompts, witch’s bells, anointing oils & more! All hand made with the purest of intention.

Grab a unique & eye-catching skull plaque or some vertebrae earrings. Or maybe an oddities mystery box; there’s something for everyone.

Tell us a bit about you and why you do what you do? Share your passions for your business, initiative, organization.

Growing up in the wilderness of Alaska left me with a great appreciation for the natural world & the beauty within it. Life experiences shaped me to appreciate the dual aspects of life & death as inverses of each other. My goal is to show that the macabre can be beautiful, not something to be afraid of. I hope to get people thinking about the other side of life with my art; to make uncomfortable topics more palatable, to relate us all through all aspects of living. And remind us that life is short but beauty is forever.

What role do you think your business plays in supporting a more creative community? OR your community in general. (Bonus! Why do you think a more creative community is important?)

Creativity is important as a form of self-expression & as a coping skill for hard times in life. It’s imperative that we express ourselves & the emotional states we find difficult to express and discuss with each other. It’s a healthy way to breach uncomfortable topics & an amazing form of self-expression. My work helps to bridge the gap between how we think about life and death and helps to get people thinking about a topic most shy away from.

What was the last book you read OR What was the last video you watched that made an impact on you?

The last video I watched that made an impact on me was about mycelium & the amazing benefits of consuming different forms of mushrooms. The most interesting fact about mycelium was the discovery that they can “speak” to each other through interconnected mycorrhizal networks!

What’s the one thing people would be surprised to learn about you or your business?

Fun fact: I’m obsessed with my plants & my pet leopard tortoise, Tortellini. My favorite plants I own are my mother strawberry plant & my dwarf bonsai black olive tree!


Creative Collective is a group of economic development strategists, small business supporters, activation specialists, and believers in the importance of the creative workforce. We foster growth, sustainability, and scalability for small businesses, creative thinkers, organizations, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Learn more and join Creative Collective at www.creativecollectivema.com/join

A table filled with numerous items.

Woodland Witch

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Oddities and pagan supplies and decor 🌿