Salem Public Art Commission

About the Member

The Salem Public Art Commission was established in 2014 after the completion of the City of Salem Public Art Master Plan in 2013. The Commission is comprised of seven residents of the City of Salem, appointed by the Mayor, who have backgrounds in art, architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, art or architectural history, or design. The Commission oversees approval of an annual public art plan, reviews proposed public art projects to be recommended to the Mayor and, if applicable, the Salem Redevelopment Authority for approval; reviews and approves artist concept proposals or proposed artwork for private development projects where the developer is to provide public art as part of an agreement with the City; makes recommendations regarding proposed revisions to public art policies and procedures; and serves as an advocate for public art in Salem.
a mural of a train on the side of a building.
a woman walking down a sidewalk next to a colorful mural.
a man is painting a mural on the side of a building.
a man is painting on a brick wall.