Ember La Fuze is a professional faerie with The Faerie Tribe and an alternative model currently living in central Maine.
Born and raised in Massachusetts, She has a fiery, playful spirit and loves inspiring and connecting with people. She gets excited about love, play, nature, wellness, adventure, education, exploration, sustainability, community, movement, and music.
As the co-founder of the Faerie Tribe, which is about as magical as you can imagine, she’s also a fire and flow arts educator, body and sex positivity advocate, and one of my biggest inspirations.
On the podcast, Ember and Joey talk about professional faeries, body positivity, and why play is important for everyone.
You can find out more about Ember by following these links:
Ember LaFuze – Official
The Faerie Tribe
Moonrise Fae
Magic Sprinkles Entertainment
The Chaos Within is a podcast celebrating the weird, the wild, and the creative – featuring makers, doers, artists, and oddballs exploring the unknown and tapping into their creative energy.
Mentioned in this Podcast
- North Shore Mall Summer Entertainment Series
- Boston Spinjam
- Flow Arts
Click here for an up to date listing of Virtual Experiences
Creative North Shore is produced, curated and managed by Creative Collective, we are trying really hard to make sure that we don’t have to put a paywall in place and could really use your support to keep afloat and make us able to keep a few of our staff employed and providing you with content and information. Please consider supporting us with any amount.