November 4, 2020

The Wardrobe Muse: Angels Come in All Shapes and Sizes

by joeyphoenix
Featured image for “The Wardrobe Muse: Angels Come in All Shapes and Sizes”

From The Wardrobe Muse

Lisa Ann Schraffa Santin is the Wardrobe Muse. Lisa Continues on the theme of sustainability in season 2, as she talks with Roxi Suger and Leslie Smith from Maine made Angel Rox.  Learn more about the Angel Rox collection at

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Support Accessibility on the North Shore

Creative North Shore is having ongoing discussion of Accessibility and Disability Awareness leading up to the International Day of Disabled Persons on December 3 and the hopeful introduction of a Disability Parade in 2021. If this is a topic you are interested, have thoughtful story ideas, or know of an organization to add to the list below please reach out to

Organizations to Support