April 3, 2024

Meet the Member: Salem Style

by Arielle Kaplan

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Julianna Donovan (She/Her)

In your words… Tell us about your organization, business, initiative.

Salem Style is a local crochet accessories company that makes crochet modern and anything but granny (no offense to granny). The Salem Style original handmade crochet collection features pieces that are inspired by and named after places in Salem, MA.

Julianna Donovan is a fifth-generation crocheter with over 25 years of crocheting experience. We offer handmade hats, scarves, ear warmers, and coffee cup cozies. In addition, we also curate magical goods from other indie makers. Salem is a magical place, and by wearing one of our items, you can feel the magic of Salem wherever you go.

Tell us a bit about you and why you do what you do? Share your passions for your business, initiative, organization.

Salem Style is special because it is born from generations of crocheters. I saw my mom, grandma, and great-grandma all crochet, and was thrilled when they taught me. My grandma recalls her grandmother crocheting as well. Being at least a fifth generation crocheter, I take pride in my work and making crochet modern and relevant for this generation, and generations to come. I started Salem Style to be able to share my designs with everyone.

What role do you think your business plays in supporting a more creative community? OR your community in general. (Bonus! Why do you think a more creative community is important?)

I think my business helps keep my community warm and cozy in a sustainable and ethical way. Believe it or not, but crochet cannot be made by machine, it has to be handmade. When you see a crochet item at a big box store for cheap, it means that somewhere, someone made that item by hand and is not getting paid nearly what they should for it. By educating consumers on these practices, I hope to inspire my community to support local and handmade businesses in all industries. It’s important to invest in your local creative community to help not only your own community, but help end harmful practices in other communities.

What was the last book you read OR What was the last video you watched that made an impact on you?

I have a three-year-old, so I am behind on inspirational content, but honestly, I listened to Britney’s book, The Woman In Me and it made an impact. It reminded me that behind all of the highlights you see on social etc. about everyone’s success, there is a lot behind the scenes that you don’t know.

What’s the one thing people would be surprised to learn about you or your business?

People are generally surprised to find out I am a mom because I very rarely post about my daughter for her privacy.


Creative Collective is a group of economic development strategists, small business supporters, activation specialists, and believers in the importance of the creative workforce. We foster growth, sustainability, and scalability for small businesses, creative thinkers, organizations, entrepreneurs, and innovators. Learn more and join Creative Collective at www.creativecollectivema.com/join

A woman with blonde hair is comfortably seated on the floor within a room painted in white.

Salem Style

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Salem Style is a local crochet accessories company that makes crochet modern and anything but granny (no offense to granny). The Salem Style original handmade crochet collection features pieces that are inspired by and named after places in Salem, MA. Julianna Donovan is a fifth-generation crocheter with over 25 years of crocheting experience. We offer handmade hats, scarves, ear warmers,