Julianna Donovan – Salem Style
IG – @salemstyle
FB- @salemstylestudio
In your words… Tell us about your organization, business, initiative.
Salem Style offers a variety of accessories for women and men who want to keep cozy in style. The most popular items are pom pom hats, infinity scarves, and the iced coffee cup cozy. Crochet tends to be thought of as being “granny”, but these accessories are fresh and modern. Each piece is handmade by me, with precise attention to detail so they are made to last.
Tell us a bit about you and why you do what you do? Share your passions for your business, initiative, organization.
I have been crocheting for over 20 years and I love it. I love that anyone from around the world can purchase something that I made by hand.I believe that slow fashion and handmade can make a difference in the fashion industry.
What role do you think your business plays in supporting a more creative community? OR your community in general. (Bonus! Why do you think a more creative community is important?)
When you think of the creative community, you generally first think of art and performance. I think that the creative community can extend to something as routine as the hat you put on when it’s cold out. I think that my business bridges the gap between “art” and “lifestyle” and shows that there are many different versions of a creative business.
What was the last book you read OR What was the last video you watched that made an impact on you?
My sister bought me Big Magic for my 30th birthday and I could not put it down. I have to say that Elizabeth Gilbert made me motivated to just keep creating. It was like her words were EXACTLY what I was needing.
What’s the one thing people would be surprised to learn about you our your business?
All of my models are some of my best friends! Although the business is mine, the #SalemStyleSquad (yes, I hashtagged it) is an unbelievably supportive group of friends. I just send out a text like “I need photos of this new hat! Who can come over?” and someone is always on board to help.
Want to learn more? Visit their website at www.salemstylestudio.com
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