September 28, 2020

The Chaos Within Podcast: Make a Mess, Keep the Best with Miranda Aisling

by joeyphoenix
Featured image for “The Chaos Within Podcast:  Make a Mess, Keep the Best with Miranda Aisling”

“I think it’s important to put all of yourself on the chopping block every once in a while, look at every aspect of your life and think, do I really like this? Does this really matter to me?” – Miranda Aisling

Miranda Aisling (she/her/hers) is an interdisciplinary artist, community organizer, entrepreneur, and author. In 2013, she launched her book Don’t Make Art, Just Make Something which became the subject of a TEDx talk the following year.

This message, that everyone makes something, is at the center of her work both as the founder of Miranda’s Hearth and as an artist and community organizer. It also was the impetus for building her own tiny house, Aubergine, which you can see displayed every year at the Annual Massachusetts Tiny House Festival, which Miranda runs.

She joins host Joey Phoenix on the podcast to talk about tiny houses, how to make friends as an adult, and how not to edit ourselves out of existence. 

So many people start editing before they’ve created anything, and then they just edit themselves out of existence,” – Miranda Aisling

Art Loan Program

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Mentioned in this podcast:

Aubergine the Tiny House
The Massachusetts Tiny House Festival
The 2033 Podcast
Carol Dweck
Riveting Broads
The Tempest
Tom Waits

About The Chaos Within

Hosted by Joey Phoenix, The Chaos Within is a podcast celebrating the weird, the wild, and the creative – featuring makers, doers, artists, and oddballs exploring the unknown and tapping into their creative energy.

The Chaos Within is produced by Creative Collective and is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

The Logo was designed by Anton Presents, the intro music is by Paul Senn ( using the Theta-U Creative Circuit System, and the outro music by Chris Wilson Sound using one of Joey’s maternal Grandmother’s haunted music boxes.

Support Accessibility on the North Shore

Creative North Shore is having ongoing discussion of Accessibility and Disability Awareness leading up to the International Day of Disabled Persons on December 3 and the hopeful introduction of a Disability Parade in 2021. If this is a topic you are interested, have thoughtful story ideas, or know of an organization to add to the list below please reach out to

Organizations to Support

Audio Transcript
